Magical PQ

Accelerate Your Business, Career, or Creative Magic

Can you feel your potential glittering inside you? A desire to…

  • Elevate your career, business, or creativity to the next level?

  • Shine brightly and confidently in the world as YOU?

  • Create authentic prosperity and financial empowerment?

  • Make the unique difference you came here to make?

The dreams & possibilities you sense are REAL

Yet, perhaps you feel blocked by…

Constant mean voices in your head?

Debilitating emotions in your body?

Do they stop you from…

—> Powerfully SHARING your gifts, magic, and CREATIVITY?

—> Creating INCOME and consistency in your BUSINESS?


It’s called Self-Sabotage

It totally sucks…

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution!

Hi, I’m Coach Anna

I’m a Creativity Engineer & Certified Coach with a Master’s Degree in Clinical & Somatic Psychology. But most importantly, I’ve spent 45 years on this earth figuring this sh*t out, and I’m here to help you do it with more ease, less struggle, and in way less time!

*Our world needs your unique gifts & magic NOW, so let’s get those mean voices out of your head ASAP.

Having worked with 100s of clients and students, as well as personally healing from almost 3 decades of depression, I know that

You CAN release that constant sense of…

—> Not achieving or earning what you want to

—> Feeling tired, overwhelmed, or anxious at work

—> Experiencing frustration, dissatisfaction, or regret

—> Never feeling good enough, no matter how hard you try

—> Crippling self-doubt sneaking in just when you’re on top of the world

Ready to FINALLY stop sabotaging your destiny and feel free and confident to be yourself?

Introducing Magical PQ

A 10-week adventure to improve your confidence, get on track for your destiny, and learn the core skills you need to create…

—> More stable income from your unique gifts and genius

—> A sense of feeling lit up and excited about your work

—> Fun, joyful, and effective collaborations and teams

Magical PQ with Coach Anna

Uplevel your business, leadership, creativity, or career by combining the Positive Intelligence Framework with Somatic Psychology and Transformational Coaching & Leadership.

Intimate Support. 4-6 People Per Group.

You CAN release self-sabotage and transform your desires into powerful, real-world action!

  • We’ll use a systematic approach called the Positive Intelligence Framework

  • Master’s level Neuroscience & Somatic Psychology (“somatic = in the body”)

  • Evidence-based Transformational Coaching, Business & Leadership

This has a huge IMPACT, including…

  • How much of your potential and destiny you’ll achieve in your lifetime

  • How happy versus stressed, anxious, or disappointed you’ll be

  • How fun, healthy, and fulfilling your relationships will be

  • Your ability to contribute to our world and solve the greatest challenges of our time!

Let’s get those mean voices out of your head so you can get on track for your destiny!

Upcoming Magical PQ Dates

Monday May 20 - July 22

Either 4, 5 or 6pm PT (participants’ choice)

Tuesday June 25 - August 27

Group 1: 10am PT / 1pm ET / 7pm CET

Group 2: 4pm PT / 6pm CT / 7pm ET

Achieve Amazing Results in Small Groups

This intimate “pod” structure allows you to harness the power of group energy, yet also receive the attention and support you need to create genuine results and outcomes.

*Recordings Available (except for breakout rooms)

After just a few weeks of practice

“I am so enjoying Magical PQ... self-sabotage has been such a strong player in my life, so understanding how to handle this is priceless for me.

“I feel calmer and more mindful.”

“I'm calmer and more patient”

“I'm more serene in general”

“I feel so elevated around this whole process.”

“My energy is moving in a different direction”

“Each day I AM just a little better, wiser, kinder and more courageous!”

“Thank you for the clarity you gave me on moving forward.  I've had so many ideas swirling around in my head, it's great to be able to focus on one important next step.”

After the Whole Series

“Anna is the fairy godmother of coaches. She’s brought immense sparkling magic, wisdom, and guidance into my life and Positive Intelligence helped me uplevel into a new sense of power. As someone who tends to be sensitive, it can be challenging to find the right kind of help and guidance, but Anna created the container I needed. I’m now able to live joyfully in this world as my true self, trust myself more, enjoy my life, and be happier, which affects everyone around me. I understand my true essence, value, and power so that I am better at setting boundaries, and I know the value my gifts and skills have in the world. Working with Anna will unlock the secret door in your heart that you thought you’d never find the key to, I highly recommend saying yes to yourself and this work.” — Kyle / Copywriter / Oregon

Explore the Adventure

  • Create the foundations for a thriving business, career, or creative project by unlocking your hidden "Gifts & Saboteurs."

    Created by best-selling author and Stanford Lecturer Shizad Chamine, this modality provides you with practical strategies and actionable tools for more joy, balance, and success in your personal and professional life.

    Positive Intelligence supports you in releasing the mean voices and negative self-talk that constantly sabotage your success, and to step into a “sage” mindset of possibility so you can uplevel your well-being, relationships, and performance.

    Learn more:

  • Anna Reidenbach is a certified coach with over 6 years of training in group coaching and a master’s degree in clinical and somatic psychology.

    This intimate group coaching experience will help you identify and leverage your innate gifts, brilliance, and pleasure, as well as recognize and manage what sabotages your personal and professional growth.

    You’ll have the opportunity to use somatic (meaning “in the body”) and transformational tools to help you align your underlying thoughts and emotions, allowing you to take more empowered action.

    You’ll also learn transformational business and leadership skills to uplevel your career. create more financial empowerment, and unlock your power to shine brightly and confidently in the world.

    Finally, you’ll be able to alchemize your inner magic with energetic support. When combined with the Positive Intelligence program, these potent techniques accelerate your success, joy, and fulfillment.

    Learn More:

  • Before:

    • Not earning enough or feeling burnt out

    • Overwhelmed, stuck, trapped, or frozen

    • Going in endless circles in your head

    • Feeling like you’re sabotaging your success


    • Generating real value with your gifts

    • Feeling excited, alive, and lit up inside

    • Creating ease, flow, joy, and fulfillment

    • Getting out of your head and into action

    To create these results, you’ll grow & develop your capacity to…

    • Release impostor syndrome & elevate performance: Focus on what’s truly important so you can step into your highest destiny

    • Create fulfilling relationships & collaborations: So that your business, career, or creative ideas are supported to rise

    • Increase well-being, joy, & pleasure: So you can have the energy to transform burnout into brightness.


Request a 20-Minute Clarity Call:


Includes the PQ Digital Program (Value: $995)

  • Boost Performance

  • Strengthen Relationships

  • Improve Wellbeing

Plus Somatic Psychology & Transformational Coaching, Leadership

Inspire Your Actions

Get clarity about your deeper desires and use them to create a tangible real-world outcome you’ll be held accountable for.

Elevate Your Success

Learn practical tools and strategies to uplevel your leadership, creativity, or ability to generate income in your business.

Get on Track For Your Destiny

Create an energetic upgrade that empowers success, prosperity, and collaboration in your career, creativity, or business.

Included in Your Adventure

✔ PQ Class + Interactive App (VALUE: $995)

Strengthen your mental fitness with 7 evidence-based classes for effective and positive change + supercharge your results with daily app challenges and accountability (the App customizes to YOU).

✔ 10-Week Group Coaching (VALUE: $1665)

Step into your destiny with 90-minute group coaching calls. Includes PQ, Somatic Psychology, and Transformational Coaching & Leadership in an intimate group structure (Sessions are recorded).

Magical PQ

Activate Authentic Power, Joy & Success. Total Value: $2660

Magical PQ Tuition:

Choose the Option That Feels Best

2 Payments of $897

1 Payment of $1695

EarlyBird Special

Register by May 1st / June 1st - SAVE $400!

2 Payments of $697

1 Payment of $1295


Request a 20-Minute Clarity Call: