Are you a visionary, leader, or entrepreneur?
Do you know you’re here to transform, impact, and inspire?
The potentials you feel glittering inside you are REAL. Yet maybe your MAGIC feels blocked by…
Constantly undercharging and underearning, even though you know you’re a badass?
Not knowing what the f*ck to do with all the brilliant creative ideas in your heart?
Feeling anxious or overwhelmed and then not taking steps forward into your destiny?
Self-doubt or fear, and then not putting your unique offerings or content into the world?
Are you ready to get to your next level?
Elevate Your Destiny
An intimate 12-week group coaching adventure to liberate your unique gifts so you can use them in powerful ways
To find out more and join, book a zero-pressure clarity call to explore what’s the perfect fit for YOU
Get Comfy Expressing Yourself and Being Seen
Tap into sacred visibility to magnetize hearts and minds with your courageous ideas, offerings, thoughts, and unique magic while feeling deliciously (and safely) heard and seen.
Shift Anxiety into Authentic Confidence
Learn practical tools to honor ALL of you—both your shadows and light—so that you can fully enjoy presencing your ideas, thoughts, offerings, and unique magic with JOY.
Strengthen Your Leadership Presence
Increase your capacity to create the impact you came here for by learning how to transmit empowerment, and deeply hold others while staying energized and nourished yourself.
Elevate Your Content & Creative Flow
Bring your full self to your creative process to elevate your bio, the you share stories, social posts, videos, or website (or how you chat about yourself at parties or social events).
Hi, I’m Coach Anna
I’m a Creativity Engineer & Certified Transformational Coach with a Master’s Degree in Clinical & Somatic Psychology. But most importantly, I’ve spent 45 years on this earth figuring out how to have more impact and results with my own creativity, and in my 10 years in the transformational arena, I’ve helped 100s of clients and students to do the same. I’d love you to succeed with more ease, less struggle, and in way less time!
*Our world needs your unique gifts & magic NOW, so let’s get you to your next level ASAP.
Elevate Your Destiny
This 12-Week Coaching Experience Leverages the Positive Intelligence Framework (PQ) Combined with Somatic Psychology, Neuroscience, and Transformational Coaching & Leadership in an Intimate Group Structure to Liberate Your Destiny Gifts and Use Them More Powerfully
Included in the Magical Elevate Your Destiny Group Coaching Adventure (total value $8,695)
⭐ Experiential Group Coaching Container (Value $5000)
→ Release Anxiety, Elevate Your Content, Unlock a Possibility Mindset
Nine 75-minute small group coaching sessions with 12 participants max (Value $2500); take a short break and rejoin for 30 minutes of content support to bring your creativity and impact into the world in more powerful ways (Value $1500). Plus, enjoy the option to join a few “office hours” sessions for extra support if you desire (Value $1000).
⭐ Evidence-Based Positive Intelligence System (Value $1995)
→ Boost Performance, Strengthen Relationships, Improve Wellbeing
Includes a 7-week evidence-based course and interactive app customizing to YOU (Value $995 — explore more HERE). Plus, receive 1 extra month of the app experience and personalized accountability — YES, I actually check in on you to make sure you’re doing your practices so that you receive the real value of the program (Value $1000).
⭐ Confidence-Building Workshops & Course Experience (Value $1700)
→ Tap into Authentic Confidence, Sacred Visibility, and JOY
Includes a workshop to build genuine confidence and elevate your content (value $350), a life-changing feedback workshop to support you in all areas of life and business — many say this is the MOST valuable part of the experience (Value $1000), and the experiential Secret Power of JOY course in February (Value $350 — explore more HERE).
Start Date: We begin on Tuesday November 5th with an encore of our first session on Sunday Novemeber 10th.
2 different Time options depending on your location and schedule:
Group 1: Tuesdays at 9am Los Angeles Time / 12pm New York / 5pm London / 6pm Paris (this is Wednesday at 6am New Zealand / 5am Melbourne)
Group 2: Tuesdays at 3pm Los Angeles Time / 6pm New York / Wednesdays at 7am Singapore / 10am Melbourne / 12pm Auckland
(1) November 5th (6th)
Group Coaching 1 — 75 minutes — “Heart’s Desires.” Visioning & Group Activation
Magnetic Expression 1 — 30 minutes — “Creative Intention.” Explore what kind of content you desire to create (videos, writing project, website, talk, bio, or simply how you confidently chat about yourself so social gatherings feels FUN).
(November 8th) Positive Intelligence Evidence-Based Course Begins. First Module Released on and App Practice Begins (watch at your leisure, no live group).
(1b) November 10th (11th)
Encore of Group Coaching 1 — 75 minutes — “Heart’s Desires.” Visioning & Group Activation (so everyone has an opportunity to participate).
(2) November 12th (13th)
Group Coaching 2 — 75 minutes — “Resourcing.”Explore Module 1 of Positive Intelligence, including insights from Somatic Psychology.
Magnetic Expression 2 — 30 minutes — “Content Gold.” Explore a secret tip for breathtaking content and how the course and coaching can support you.
(November 15th) Positive Intelligence Course Continues. 2nd Module Released on and App Practice Begins (watch at your leisure, no live group).
*Office Hours as Needed
(3) November 19th (20th)
Group Coaching 3 — 75 minutes — “Discernment.” Explore Module 2 of Positive Intelligence on releasing “the Judge,” including insights from Transformational Coaching.
Magnetic Expression 3 — 30 minutes — Explore discernment, truth-telling, and shadow work in your content.
*Office Hours as Needed
(November 22nd) Poistive Intelligence Course Continues. 3rd Module Released on and App Practice Begins (watch at your leisure, no live group).
Sunday November 24th at 11am Los Angeles Time / 2pm New York / 7pm London / 8pm Paris
This is Monday at 6am Melbourne / 8am New Zealand
(4) November 26th (27th)
Group Coaching 4 — 75 minutes — “Gifts and Shadows.” Explore Module 3 of Positive Intelligence on “Saboteurs” and Strengths, including insights from Transformational Coaching and Leadership.
Magnetic Expression 4 — 30 minutes — Continue to explore discernment, truth-telling, and shadow work in your content.
*Office Hours as Needed
(November 29th) Positive Intelligence Course Continues. 4th Module Released on and App Practice Begins (watch at your leisure, no live group).
*Office Hours as Needed
Group 1: Tuesdays at 9am Los Angeles Time / 12pm New York / 5pm London / 6pm Paris (this is Wednesday at 6am New Zealand / 5am Melbourne)
Group 2: Tuesdays at 3pm Los Angeles Time / 6pm New York / Wednesdays at 7am Singapore / 10am Melbourne / 12pm Auckland
(5) December 3rd (4th)
Group Coaching 5 — 75 minutes — “Golden Core” Explore Module 4 of Positive Intelligence with a focus on self-love and inner child work, including insights from Somatic Psychology and Interpersonal Neurobiology
Magnetic Expression 5 — 30 minutes — “Unique Essence.” Explore how to bring your unique personality to your content.
(December 6th) Positive Intelligence Course Continues. 5th Module Released on and App Practice Begins (watch at your leisure, no live group).
(6) December 10th (11th)
Group Coaching 6 — 75 minutes — “Innovate.” Explore Module 5 of Positive Intelligence to release anxiety and convert challenges into amazing gifts, including insights from Somatic Psychology.
Magnetic Expression 6 — 30 minutes — “Finding the GIFTS.” Explore a magnetic secret for breathtaking content based on real life.
(December 13th) Positive Intelligence Course Continues. 6th Module Released on and App Practice Begins (watch at your leisure, no live group).
(7) December 17th (18th)
Group Coaching 7 — 75 minutes — “Activate.” Explore Module 6 of Positive Intelligence to help you create beautiful inspired actions, includes insights from Transformational Coaching.
Magnetic Expression 7 — 30 minutes — Explore how to inspire (and take!) powerful action in your content.
*Office Hours as Needed
(December 20th) Positive Intelligence Course Continues. Final Core Module Released on and App Practice Continues (watch at your leisure, no live group).
*This is the completion of the core Positive Intelligence system, however you will have access to new and inspiring content through the end of Februrary!
*Office Hours as Needed
Group 1: Tuesdays at 9am Los Angeles Time / 12pm New York / 5pm London / 6pm Paris (this is Wednesday at 6am New Zealand / 5am Melbourne)
Group 2: Tuesdays at 3pm Los Angeles Time / 6pm New York / Wednesdays at 7am Singapore / 10am Melbourne / 12pm Auckland
(ALL Month) Positive Intelligence Content Continues. Enjoy new challenges and discoveries on the PQ App (enjoy at your leisure, no live group).
(Optional) January 7th (8th) — Community kick off for the Secret Power of JOY 5-Week Course. Course officially begins January 28th, but this will give an orientation and some bonus magic to your Positive Intelligence visioning experience the following week (it’s easier to vision big with JOY).
(8) January 14th (15th)
Group Coaching 8 — 75 minutes — “Heart’s Desires Revisted.” Visioning & Group Celebration to see how far you’ve come and set a beautiful new vision for the new year.
Magnetic Expression 8 — 30 minutes — “Creative Intention Revisited.” Explore where you’re at with you’re content and what you desire to bring forward with you into the new year.
Sunday January 19th at 11am Los Angeles Time / 2pm New York / 7pm London / 8pm Paris
This is Monday at 6am Melbourne / 8am New Zealand
Note: This will CHANGE YOUR LIFE whether your a creator or not, learning these communication superpowers will support you to grow and thrive.
(9) January 21st (22nd)
Group Coaching FINALE — 75 minutes — “Celebration, Growth, and Next Steps.” Explore and celebrate your progress. (2 hour session, no magnetic expression).
(Optional) January 28th (29th) — The Secret Power of JOY 5-Week Course Begins. Office hours as needed to support you to integrate Positive Intelligence and JOY together.
*Please note that we will continue to have weekly meetings in the JOY course through February 25th. This is included in your investment and is a beautiful compliment to your Positive Intelligence work.
Your life, leadership, and business deserve a new myth — Let’s rewrite what’s possible TOGETHER
You can release the fear, shame, scarcity, or panic you feel around building your soul business or leadership dream and reconnect to your true power as a healer & visionary.
⭐ Create
You can get comfy being visible and learn to trust your own voice, so that your offerings and content shine brightly and confidently with your true creative magic.
⭐ Impact
You can stop undercharging and underearning so that you’re included in the true field of healing you create for others and are able to contribute in the most breathtaking ways.
⭐ Prosper
Here’s what participants say after just a few weeks of practice
“I am so enjoying Positive Intelligence... self-sabotage has been such a strong player in my life, so understanding how to handle this is priceless for me.”
“I feel calmer and more mindful.”
“I'm calmer and more patient”
“I'm more serene in general”
“I feel so elevated around this whole process.”
“My energy is moving in a different direction”
“Each day I AM just a little better, wiser, kinder and more courageous!”
Here’s What Participants Say After Enjoying the Whole Program
Launching a successful new company
“I worked with Anna because I wanted my new software company to be successful. Anna's coaching approach was incredible, as it helped me feel confident during my sales process, celebrate my successes, navigate new work relationships, and tap into my power as a heart-centered leader. As a result, both my business life and inner happiness have been positively impacted. I now have a clear sense of my core values and strengths, which I used to negotiate new contracts in my business and find a great VC partner. During our time together, I also used these core values and strengths to build a team of wonderful people and a company culture that they love being part of, and was able to create a relationship of trust, support, and happiness with my co-founder.” — Tom / CEO / California
Embodying the person I wish to be in the world
“Anna held a safe and supportive container for me to gain clarity and momentum towards achieving my goals. Her loving and strong presence in my life has been inspiring and motivating me to truly embody the person I wish to be for myself and the world. Her coaching approach helped me by staying focused with specific empowered actions in between sessions to be held accountable for and motivated to do them. She has an incredible ability to pick up on words shared and rephrase them us to see them in another light and make so much more sense. She’s a real leader with the most caring heart I’ve met, and I found the experience joyful, inspiring, and motivating. I would recommend Anna to people who need to be held accountable and supported in a gentle and wise way. She’s able to really hear what our true essence wants and help us see or hear it more clearly.” — Asha / Crystal Light Fairy / Switzerland
More enjoyment and money from my unique gifts
“Anna is the fairy godmother of coaches. She’s brought immense sparkling magic, wisdom, and guidance into my life and Positive Intelligence helped me uplevel into a new sense of power. As someone who tends to be sensitive, it can be challenging to find the right kind of help and guidance, but Anna created the container I needed. I’m now able to live joyfully in this world, trust myself more, enjoy my life, and use my gifts more profitably, which affects everyone around me. I understand my true essence, value, and power, I am better at setting boundaries, and I know the value of my skills and can use them to make money. Working with Anna will unlock the secret door in your heart that you thought you’d never find the key to, I highly recommend saying yes to yourself.” — Kyle / Copywriter / Oregon
Liberate your gifts and use them more powerfully in the world
Receive ALL of this Valued at $8,695
→ Experiential Group Coaching Container
→ Support to Elevate Your Creative Content
→ Evidence-Based Positive Intelligence System
→ Bonus Workshops, Office Hours, Accountability & Community
→ Plus Utilize the February JOY Course to Supercharge Your Results
Sacred Investment & New 2025 Dates Coming Soon
To find out more and join, book a zero-pressure clarity call to explore
Proven & Researched Tools & Systems
We’ll use a systematic approach called the Positive Intelligence Framework (PQ)
Master’s level Neuroscience & Somatic Psychology (“somatic = in the body”)
Evidence-based Transformational Coaching, Business & Leadership
Even if you’ve learned Positive Intelligence (PQ) before or are a coach yourself, this unique program will completely transform your life, business, or career. You’ll experience the tools in a new and magical way for deeper learning, integration, and implementation into your own business. The outcomes my clients create are revolutionary and many return to the program a second time!