3 Brained Money?

The Confidence Codes (Step 2)

We’ll explore your 3 brains and why it matters for your MONEY.

The Confidence Codes help build authentic confidence and self-trust, essential skills for elevating financial empowerment and success.

Catch up on Step 1 HERE.

We have 3 brains?



And it matters.

To take action toward the abundance you crave, getting all the different parts of you on the same team creates less struggle & more ease.

Prosperity = Joy + Confidence

In 2018, when I began coaching, I was shocked to see how many of my clients made more money.

🤍 Raises, promotions, and fun performance reviews

🤍 Their companies asked them what they wanted

🤍 They lovingly brought in more clients + business revenue

But I was NOT a money coach...


I taught joy + confidence using a somatic approach.

Somatic means "in the body" and this is how I learned...

Prosperity + Abundance

🤍 = Equals = 🤍

Authentic Joy + Confidence (you can feel)

The Biology of Confidence

Your natural biology can support you in generating powerful results with more pleasure.

By using the magic of your...

🧠 Belly

🧠 Heart

🧠 Mind

Confidence Codes Step 2

To enjoy more...

Pleasurable Business Income, Career Passion & Satisfaction, Sharing Your Gifts & Genuis, it's important to:

🤍 Grow your capacity to

🤍 Take joyful actions that

🤍 Move you forward toward what you desire

Here's The Catch...

You knew there was a catch, right...?

How much perfectly good advice and suggestions have you received that weren't right for you?

Will you act on something you don't desire? 🤍

How Does it Feel?

Self-trust feels GOOD.

If your business coach wants you to be more visible on Instagram, yet every part of your body says NO...

How does it feel to...

  • Work towards a goal you don't desire?

  • Set a goal and not make progress?

Kinda icky, right?

Icky does NOT build confidence

Or heart-centered prosperity

The actions need to come from YOU.

The Solution...

You have 3 different intelligence centers in your body that receive sensory messages and make decisions:

🧠 Belly, Heart, Mind

When in alignment, forward momentum is easy. When out of alignment, it can feel confusing or even painful!

*CREDIT: I was originally trained in Clinical + Somatic Psychology and learned this through Dr. Pat Ogden's Sensorimotor Psychotherapy.

Authentic Confidence

Comes From 3-Brain ALIGNMENT.

This feels brave and exhilarating, not terrifying

It feels like listening to yourself, not betraying.

Because your actions come from your desires. 🤍

This doesn't mean you won't feel fear or that you won't need to step outside of your comfort zone.

Yet, your 3 brains must want the goal, or you miss out on a valuable opportunity to build trust in yourself.

*Note: If you're a teacher, coach, or parent, this is a beautiful opportunity to help students, clients, or kids build trust in themselves too!

3-Brain Alignment

🧠 Heart - You feel desire and momentum in your emotions.

🧠 Mind - You develop creative plans, ideas, and solutions.

🧠 Belly - Your body moves towards it, and you take action.

Self-Trust to Prosperity

This TRUST you build in yourself allows you to…

🤍 Grow your capacity to

🤍 Take joyful actions that

🤍 Move you forward into the abundance you desire.

Such as pleasurable business income and clients, career passion & satisfaction, sharing your creative gifts & talents

And, even more importantly, you will begin to…

TRUST yourself to receive those blessings!

Awesome TEAM-Work...

Simply exploring this information connects how you feel with what you think, which gets you into alignment!

Stay tuned to explore:

🤍 Creating Your Outcome

🤍 The Magic in the Gap

🤍 Putting it All Together

I hope this helps you or a loved one/client grow greater self-trust and confidence.

With Love + Magic, Anna

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Next Article…

Clarity Lover: Explore your relationship with creating clear outcomes, because “overwhelm is a lack of clarity” – Dr. Claire Zammit


Clarity Lover


Superpowers Supercharge