Clarity Lover
The Confidence Codes (Step 3)
Let’s explore your relationship with creating clear outcomes.
The Confidence Codes help build authentic confidence and self-trust, essential skills for elevating financial empowerment and success.
Catch up on Step 2 HERE.
“Overwhelm is a Lack of Clarity”
Would you like to create more time, energy & money?
One of my FAVORITE ideas from my rockstar mentor, who has made millions in income AND impact is…
💎 "Overwhelm is a lack of clarity." – Dr. Claire Zammit
It saves me valuable energy.
It supercharges my clients' results.
The Confidence Codes Step 3
Understand your relationship to clear outcomes for more magical results in your life or business.
Your goals and destiny are in a relationship.
🤍 Is it a healthy one? 🤍
Some of us love visioning, and some love action. But we need both...
🤍 Without the ignition of vision, we burn out.
🤍 Without an action plan, we don't realize the potential of our light.
So the first step is simply bringing awareness to which part of this relationship feels more comfortable.
Creating Clarity
If you desire to enjoy:
Pleasurable income in your business
Satisfaction & impact in your career
Success & joy in your collaborations
From the depths of my magical, intuitive, heart-centered soul, I would love you to know that:
Clear outcomes create confidence + freedom. 💎
Clear goals, intentions, and objectives:
Channel your energy toward something specific, which boosts confidence by giving you a clear sense of purpose. 💫
Make it easier to measure what you've achieved, which builds confidence in your abilities and capacity for success. 💫
Help you reflect on what you could do differently next time, so you can confidently enhance your skills for the future. 💫
Help you understand when you're done and can take a break, which creates rest, play, satisfaction, and freedom. 💫
Generate enjoyable momentum and motivation, which boosts your ability to commit to even bigger goals and dreams. 💫
I tried hard to build my business strictly on intuition.
SO hard.
I finally had to admit that clear outcomes save time and energy!
Yet, I also learned that if you are a magical, intuitive, heart-centered soul like me... Traditional Goal-Setting Doesn't Work.
If this is true for you too, there’s nothing wrong YOU.
It's your BIOLOGY.
Because all parts of you have to...
💫 Genuinely want the goal.
Heart-Centered Prosperity
Requires you to…
🤍 Grow your capacity to
🤍 Take joyful actions that
🤍 Move you forward into
🤍 The abundance you desire
Then, even more importantly, it's vital that you...
TRUST yourself to receive those blessings!
Self-Trust = Alignment
Alignment with goals is key, because you cannot build self-trust by:
Overriding Desires (pretending you want something you don't)
Sabotaging Followthrough (setting a goal someone else wants)
3-Brain Confidence
You have 3 intelligence centers in your body that receive messages and make decisions:
💫 Belly, Heart, Mind
When in alignment, forward momentum is easy.
When out of alignment, it can feel confusing or even painful.
*If you're sensitive or intuitive, this is even more important!
Transform Overwhelm to Clarity
To truly release overwhelm, we need clarity in both our
Your Vision connects you to your brightest destiny.
Clear Outcomes build & create that destiny.
Your Dreams & Goals Are in a Relationship
🤍 Is it a healthy one? 🤍
Some of us love visioning, and some love action. But we need both...
🤍 Without the ignition of vision, we burn out.
🤍 Without an action plan, we don't realize the potential of our light.
Which part of this relationship feels more comfortable to YOU?
Transformation = Awareness
Today's practice is noticing your relationship to goals and outcomes.
Next week, we'll tangibly practice these steps.
Yet, the first step to transformation is always awareness.
So… What did you learn about yourself?
Awesome Work...
Simply exploring this information connects how you feel with what you think, which gets you into alignment!
I hope this helps you or a loved one/client grow greater self-trust and confidence. 🤍
– With Love + Magic, Anna
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