Confidence-Creating Outcomes

The Confidence Codes (Step 4)

Create clarity in your life, career, or business goals to support authentic power and confidence.

The Confidence Codes help build authentic confidence and self-trust, essential skills for elevating financial empowerment and success.

Catch up on Step 3 HERE.

Desires, Dreams, Magic & Goals

Have you ever wondered about the intersection between desires, dreams, magic, and goals?

Having worked as a coach, psychotherapist, manager, and teacher, I definitely have! And I've discovered that one's ability to...

→ Generate genuine success

... Success that feels breathtaking to YOU

... Success that matches what you DREAM about at night

... Success that changes the potentials of our WORLD

→ Means creating real clarity

→ About the best next steps

→ To create more magical results in your life or business

Yet, this is a challenging task for many of us...

Let's explore it with Confidence Codes #4

The Confidence Codes Step 4

Step 4 of the Confidence Codes helps create clear outcomes that generate magical results in your life or business.

Confident Crayons?

Imagine you're a curious kid with a box of crayons...

🌈 All the colors are amazing, yet if you take the whole box and color in one spot, you'll get...

A blob of mushy brown.

That's what our goals and dreams often look like.

(Not like a rich chocolate, caramel, mahogany, or California sand crayon; those are lovely. Nope, more like a dingy mess).

We need many colors to create vibrant lives and businesses. Yet, when they run together, we can't quite tell what we're looking at.

→ This sabotages authentic confidence and self-trust.

Because, if you...

Choose just one color (clear action), you might get bored and lose the motivation you need to achieve your biggest outcome.

Try to implement ALL the colors at once (vision), you might get overwhelmed and lose your ability to take action.

Ultimately, this results in

→ Inability to create real and satisfying results

→ Causing us to lose confidence and self-trust

→ Sabotaging our brightest destiny

The Solution...

Your goals need to meaningfully connect to your desires.

It sounds simple, yet this is one of the biggest gaps I see in my clients (and myself - I'm human too!). To solve this, you need real clarity about your...

Genuine Desires (bigger vision from your heart + soul)

Real-World Actions (smaller action steps/goals that match the desire)

This helps you color in one section of your masterpiece at a time, with the bigger vision still holding the container of greatness for you.

*This won't solve ALL parts of self-sabotage, but it's a rock-star place to begin!!!

Confidence-Creating Outcomes

→ Begin with MAGIC (your vision)

→ WRITE it down (body-mind integration)

→ FOCUS for clarity (one next step)

→ Make it REAL (bring it into the senses)

→ MEASURE it (how you will assess success)

Begin with Magic (1)

I invite you to imagine your life, leadership, or business...

You could have it exactly your way...

I'm waving my magic wand...

I'm sprinkling you with fairy dust...

What do you genuinely desire to...

Do, create, or become?

→ Write it Down (2)

This might expand and get brighter, or it might glitter perfectly clear, just as it is. Wherever you are in this process...

Writing helps the body integrate so that you feel the truth of your insights instead of just thinking about them.

In other words, it begins to connect your 3 brains (mind, belly, heart) so that you are more empowered to take action.

*I encourage you to write down all the following steps as well.

→ Focus for Clarity (3a)

The invitation now is to choose one project or smaller goal, as if you are painting your first brushstroke.

We often try to focus on too many things at once.

This robs you of getting to feel satisfied.

It gives you that blob of dingy brown.

(I'm so guilty of this, that's how I know it's true!).

To focus on a clear goal, do this…

Choose a Clear Next Step (3b)

Instead of looking at every color or shape you need to create your masterpiece, what's one thing? Such as a:

✨ Workshop or presentation

✨ Vacation you want to enjoy

✨ Workout plan for the month

✨ Course or training you desire to excel at

✨ Creating your first offer or product

→ Make it Real (4)

When you reach your outcome...

How will you feel?

If others are involved, how will they feel?

What will it look like? Taste like? Smell like? Sound like?

When you catch up with a friend, what will you tell them?

→ How Will You Measure Success? (5)

How will you know you're successful?

Like, for real…

What's most important to you?

Example: If you're leading a workshop, would success mean...

  • Creating a community?

  • Growing your audience?

  • Practicing something new?

  • Showcasing your gifts and magic?

  • Experimenting with collaboration?

  • Increased income in your business?

  • Making a difference in people's lives?

  • Testing out ideas or thought leadership?

  • Participants connecting with a call to action?

What's most important to you?

You might reach more wins than you set, or have unexpected moments of inspiration (wonderful!). Still, creative experiments tend to feel more pleasurable if you know what you are measuring.

THIS is the step that actually builds CONFIDENCE. Don’t skip it :)

Congrats, You Just Drew Your Dreams

You chose a color to start with.

You began a masterpiece.

I can't wait to see what you create next. 🤍

With Love + Magic, Anna

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